Former President John Dramani Mahama has said his former boss , John Evans Atta Mills was good man. Mr Mahama said this during the launch of th
Former President John Dramani Mahama has said his former boss , John Evans Atta Mills was good man.
Mr Mahama said this during the launch of the John Evans Atta Mills Memorial Heritage at the Cedi Conference Centre at the University of Ghana on February 1 2022, under the theme: “The man John Evans Atta Mills – 10 years on.
He said “The Heritage seeks to inspire humanity for a better society, a virtue that President Atta Mils lived and died for. Prof Atta Mils simply was a good man. It therefore gladdens the hearts of many millions of people who loved him that this decision was taken to launch the Atta Mills heritage here on campus of our Alma Mata, University of Ghana.
This is because it was right here this university grounds, the hail of knowledge and the nation’s hope and glory where we are taught to proceed on integrity and truth” which prof Mills stood for.
Mr Mahama further noted the Professor “Mills grew the economy to an unpresented level.”
Board Chairman of the Heritage, Alex Segbefia has said that the initiative had been planned for a very long time.
Speaking at the same event, the former Minister of Health said “as you know this has been in the planning for a while and today culminates in the launch of the Heritage in memory of our late Professor Mills .
“I don’t want to take away from the ambiance, the music and the shear ecstasy that is in this hall so, I am not going to say very much shortly in the speeches that are going to be made ad to be followed . I will aske everybody to follow on TV3.
The launch formed part of the 10 years anniversary for the late Professor Mills.
Former President Mahama is expected to launch the non-profit, independent, non-partisan organisation anchored in Professor Mills’ passion and commitment to inclusivity, transparency, accountability and his relentless quest for peace and a better society.
A statement issued earlier by the Governing Board of the JEAM Memorial Heritage and signed Mr Alex Segbefia, said ““There will be thematic presentations by Professor Akua Kuenyehia, former President of the International Criminal Court, the Hague, Professor Francis Dodoo, a former Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ghana and four-time Olympian and Dr Esther Ofei-Aboagye, a former Director of the Institute of Local Government Studies,” the statement added.