
Citizen’s Quest, the Emergence and the Polity

Advocacy in black race has not really gotten the best of concern, accolades and support. Basically, it is because, maybe, the understanding about it i

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Advocacy in black race has not really gotten the best of concern, accolades and support. Basically, it is because, maybe, the understanding about it is low or because to most humans in that race, any and everything should be and addressed with the same gloves used in contemporary politics. In other climes, advocacy groups pose as hope lines for the people and society. Advocacy groups speak for the people, put the government in check, make the government accountable to the people and always walk side by side with the government’s result oriented programmes.

So, it is not out of place but normal when politicians and those in public offices promote advocacy groups in any society. As a matter of fact, it is even those who are held in stewardship of the people’s common wealth that should support advocacy groups for the obvious reasons; one of which is for the PURPOSE OF PEER REVIEW.

The Citizen’s Quest for Truth Initiative CQTI as an advocacy stands for that and more. Having stated its mission as an ACCOUNTABILITY advocacy group concerned with holding government at all levels accountable for their actions, programmes and policies, CQTI also operates a grand media outfit that not only documents but makes accessible facts known to the public.

A convention of persons from all works of life, CQTI holds dear the belief that the outcome of its existence should rob off positively on the masses. That they have successfully carried out and still committed to do.

One would wonder why a few wouldn’t understand the modus operandi of the Quest but pick up a battle where there really should be none. Those who know what the CQTI have done and is still doing for the people within its area of operation can attest to the fact that advocacy has been given a new face by the group.

Why then the antagonisms? Why the unnecessary bickerings? Those fighting her existence fight their friends and allies. Why all the eavesdropping?

If advocacy groups support political or social causes, if they make recommendations that create certain changes in government, public policy, society, and/or law, then the CQTI should also be seen as that; knowing that not all beginnings begin at the same speed even though the CQTI runs on an unprecedented one. All humans are political in nature; so are their activities.

Advocacy groups, also known as special interest groups, use various forms of advocacy in order to influence public opinion and ultimately policy. They play an important role in the development of political and social systems. Motives for action may be based on political, moral, or commercial positions. Groups use varied methods to try to achieve their aims, including lobbying, media campaigns, awareness raising, publicity stunts, polls, research, and policy briefings. Some groups are supported or backed by powerful business or political interests and exert considerable influence on the political process, while others have few or no such resources.

If the CQTI has multi talented young minds taken on advocacy, it should not be supported. It should be praised. It should be encouraged. Especially in a time like this where young counterparts are all over the place with hybrid criminality, the CQ convenes willing and resolute young minds to build an empire where truth advocacy will thrive. Ask me and I’d say the CQTI deserves the support of every good and well meaning citizen of this Country.

The CQ is by its advocacy developing young Leaders that will take over the new horizon with a zeal that’s second to none.

Leadership for the purpose of change has so successfully exemplified the concept of courage. CQ leads the match in that courageous route. Just like the legendary Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., it was his advocacy that was able to create his legacy as one of the United States’ most prominent civil rights activists.

Though, he was fought, he achieved his dream and up till now, his achievements still speak. It will speak still for many generations to come.

I have read some query why the CQTI controls an influence in the social media. Here is a report in part of a study released in 2012 which “suggests that advocacy groups of varying political and ideological orientations operating in the United States are using social media to interact with citizens every day. The study surveyed 53 groups that were found to be using a variety of social media technologies to achieve organizational and political goals:

Facebook was the social media site of choice with all but one group noting that they use the site to connect with citizens.

Twitter was also popular with all but two groups saying that they use Twitter.

Other social media being used included YouTube, LinkedIn, wikis, Flickr, Jumo, Diigo, Tumblr, Foursquare, Identi.ca, Picasa, and Vimeo”.

As noted in the study, “while some groups raised doubts about social media’s ability to overcome the limitations of weak ties and generational gaps, an overwhelming majority of groups see social media as essential to contemporary advocacy work and laud its democratizing function.”

In my opinion, the latter is game and that’s what the Citizen’s Quest for Truth Initiative stands for. Let the Quest thrive that we’d all C4ourselves.

Sukari Alex Owuru (SMG) is a public relation practitioner base in Port Harcourt