The Mamprugu Youth Association, has called on the Inspector General of Police (IGP) to reject a petition presented by Anchoring Democracy Advocacy
The Mamprugu Youth Association, has called on the Inspector General of Police (IGP) to reject a petition presented by Anchoring Democracy Advocacy Movement Ghana (ADAM GH) on happenings in Bawku.
The youth said the petition is full of defamatory, inaccurate and ethnocentric statements.
ADAM-GH, a civil society organization that anchors proper democratic principles, ensures good governance, promotes the rule of law, fights for proper fundamental human rights and resists corruption in the country in their petition to the IGP Dr George Akuffo Dampare said “Unfortunately your core mandate and key functions beautifully presented do not reflect in the lives of the people in Bawku and its environs.
“The confidence ADAM-GH as a CSO and Ghanaians have in your leadership as a dynamic Inspector General of Police (IGP) due to your commitment to ensuring law and order in Ghanaian society needs to reflect in the Bawku situation to bring a lasting solution to the area. ADAM-GH is one of the CSOs that openly commends you for your great leadership style which you can easily access online,” portions of their petition said.
But in a counter letter to the IGP, the Mamprugu youth said “Sir, we humbly wish to reiterate to you and other relevant authorities copied in this correspondence to totally ignore the tribalistic and ethnocentric agenda spearheaded by discredited organizations like ADAM GH.
“We believe strongly and as was made evident above that ADAM GH is a criminal band whose activities is very detrimental to the peace and security of Bawku and its environs. It is therefore our fervent hope that you will cause the relevant authorities to with immediate effect arrest and prosecute officers of ADAM GH for their defamatory and inciteful comments that is aimed at destabilizing the peace and security of Bawku. “
Below is the full letter by the Mamprugu Youth…
February 14th, 2022
P. 0. BOX 116
Dear Sir,
We the undersigned, representing Mamprugu Youth in Bawku, write to you in response to the above subject matter. This action became necessary after our attention was drawn to a petition purportedly written and submitted to you by an organization referring to itself as Anchoring Democracy Advocacy Movement Ghana (ADAM GH). In the said petition dated 4th February 2022 and copied to the Jubilee House, Ministry of Interior, and Minister for Chieftaincy Affairs, the said organization made defamatory, inaccurate, ethnocentric, intemperate, and inciteful comments which requires our response. This is coupled with the fact that the said petition was published widely on online media platforms such as,, and social media platforms.
Our response will focus on four (4) key themes that we believe will provide clarity to your office and other state agencies copied on the issues raised in the said petition.
Sir, we recognize the right of Ghanaians to set up organizations aimed at promoting governance. However, it is the expectation of Ghanaians that such organizations exhibit decorum, fairness and professionalism in all their actions especially on issues which may result in conflict of interest.
ADAM-GH which basically was established to champion a political partisan agenda (subject for another day), has in recent times become a tribal vehicle through which their founder and executive director Emmanuel Azubilla who is Kusasi executes the ethnocentric agenda of his tribesmen. What is sad is that this so called civil society organization has on several instances, incited people to violence and chaos.We demonstrate below.
In a press release dated 16th January, 2022 with heading “This is the Time For All Political Parties TO Break THE Loud Silence On The Criminal Activities In Bawku Particularly MP’s IN KUSAUG, ADAM GH not only clearly demonstrated a conflict of interest but also ended up stereotyping a whole tribe (Mamprusis) by ethnocentrically describing them as violent criminals. In that release, the organization noted that the “Executive Secretary of ADAM-GH Mr. Azubila is Kusasi” and hence had an interest in the matter. In promoting ethnocentric interest, the organization picked sides and said “Undoubtedly we know that Mamprusis who choose to torment Bawku and its people with criminal violence…”. Sir, for an organization which claims to be “civil” to engage in ethnic profiling of an entire tribe (Mamprusis) as “tormenting” with “criminal violence” is very unfortunate and only exposes how dangerous the actions of such an organization can be to the peace, security and unity of the area.
Furthermore, comments by ADAM GH such as telling Mamprusis to “pack all their belongings and leave Bawku to their home region” are not only ignorant but confirm the fact that the organization and its actors lack integrity as far as this issue is concerned. As such we urge your high office to regard them as a discredited organization whose only goal is ethnocentrism and not helping to solve the Bawku crisis.
Evidence abound that Emmanuel Azubilla has posters and political party campaign material out there to contest as the Greater Accra regional Secetary of the NDC. We wish to draw the attention of the NDC and its members that such characters are tribal bigots with a track record of ethnocentrism and inciting conflict and confusion among people. We advice the NDC to evaluate such a miscreant before he destroys them with his tribal bigotry.
Sir, aside the ethnocentric agenda championed by ADAM GH, the discredited organization premised its call for action from the IGP on a false claim that “The Supreme Court decision is clear that the Zugr-raana Asigri Abugrago Azoka II, is the legitimate and only Paramount Chief of Bawku and President of the Kusaug Traditional Area”. We wish to draw your attention to the fact that their claim is a false statement without any basis aimed at misleading your esteemed self just as they have successfully done to mislead other key state actors. We reiterate that there is absolutely NO such statement in any Supreme Court decision with regards to Bawku in the year 2003. Any such claim worth its salt would have attached a copy of the said ruling to support the claims. We challenge the ethnocentric ADAM GH and all those making these misleading statements to provide proof of such words uttered by the Supreme Court.
Sir, it is common knowledge supported by several legal authorities that the Supreme Court is not the constitutional forum to rule on chieftaincy matters or make pronouncements about who is the rightful occupant of a skin or traditional area. So as interested parties on this matter, it came to us as a surprise that some key state actors fell for this misleading commentary by the likes of ADAM GH without taking time to necessarily understand the issues.
For the avoidance of doubt there was NO such decision by the Supreme Court. The only thing that is related to the Bawku issue is the ruling of the Supreme Court on a motion of discontinuation of a case brought for the interpretation of PNDL 75. Nothing more, nothing less! Kindly find attached the said ruling in which no mention of Chieftaincy or who is the rightful occupant of the Bawku skin or Traditional area is concerned.
Respectfully, neither ADAM GH nor any of the state actors have the right to arrogate upon themselves the sole rights of the Supreme Court Justices by interpreting such a ruling to mean a ruling that someone is the rightful occupant of a skin. This is very absurd and we trust you will not fall for such propaganda.
We advice ADAM-GH to go and pay for the services of lawyers to give them legal counsel and advice on the 2003 supreme court ruling. Getting legal education on the matter will save them from the embarrasjing charade they are putting up. This would be a better investment of their money in many ways than investing in inciting his kusasi kinsmen to choose violence.
We advice ADAM-GH to go and pay for the services of lawyers to give them legal counsel and advice on the 2003 supreme court ruling. Getting legal education on the matter will save them from the embarrasjing charade they are putting up. This would be a better investment of their money in many ways than investing in inciting his kusasi kinsmen to choose violence.
Sir, on inciteful claims by ADAM GH that “… what then stops you from arresting the man in Bawku who self-styles as the “Regent” and puts his palace by the roadside with inscription “Original Bawku Naaba” and his accomplices?”, we wish to state that the tone and nature of the request exposes the real intent of ADAM GH as one of ethnocentrism.
First of all, it will interest you to know that the Regent is an important personality for Mamprusis and several other tribes in Bawku including some clans among the Kusasis. Some of these kusasi clans have been forced by threats from groups like ADAM GH and some Kusasi youth groups into silence. Thus, the ignorant and inciteful call for the Regent’s arrest by ADAM GH is misplaced and aims to exacerbate chaos and insecurity in the area.
ADAM-GH has exhibited crass ignorance by questioning the existence of a Regent when there is a Bawku Naba. Perhaps they do not understand what or who a regent is. Unlike the Regent of Bawku who has a lineage dating back to the 16th century and whose father was customarily enskined and installed by the Nayiri in line with the lineage of his ancestory as the 14th Bawku Naba, Abugrago does not hail from any lineage. Even Abugrago’s father who was politically installed Bawku Naba did not only die a commoner, but was described as such by the National House of Chiefs, the constitutionally mandated body that handles all chieftaincy affairs. The records are there and ADAM-GH claiming to have a research unit can check this out if they are so minded. If ADAM-GH can not contribute anything positive in the public space, they should desist from exposing their warped way of thinking and throwing dust in people’s eyes with such ignorance about chieftaaincy.
Furthermore, we wish to draw your attention to the fact that the Regent by virtue of his title has not contravened any law. Under the customs and traditions of Mamprugu, he is automatically referred to as THE REGENT after the demise of his father. For the information of ignorant and ethnocentric organizations such as ADAM GH, we wish to repeat, that the Regent’s father was the 14th Bawku Naaba Naa Alhaji Adam Zangbeo who died as the legal and gazetted Chief of Bawku. It will interest you to note that the late 14th Bawkunaba until his demise in 1981 was the Vice President of the Upper East Regional House of Chiefs. In fact even after 2 years of his demise in 1981, a decision by the National House of Chiefs in 1983 ruled in his favor and affirmed him as the legal chief of the Bawku Traditional Area whilst referring to his adversary who is the father of Aninchema Abugrago as a “commoner”. Thus, there is absolutely nothing wrong with his traditional title as THE REGENT.
We ask, what crime has the Regent committed? ADAM GH’s claim that the Regent is acting in contempt of court is a fallacy and does not support any facts. In any case, is it a court of competent jurisdiction that has the mandate to rule on contempt or discredited organizations like ADAM GH? What prevents ADAM GH or even Aninchema Abugrago from filing a case of contempt against the Regent if they so believe he is contravening any law, instead of taking the law into their own hands and arrogating the powers of courts of competent jurisdiction on themselves? They should take cue from the exemplary action of the late 14th Bawkunaba when he sued Abugrago Azoka at the High Court in 1980 asking the court to restrain the defendant from presenting himself as Chief of Bawku. The court ruled in favor of the application and granted the order restraining Abugrago Aninchema from presenting himself as chief of Bawku. ADAM-GH should realise that any civil society organisation worth its salt, and which is seeking peace in any area affected by a chieftaincy dispute or conflict will restrain itself from taking sides. If for nothing at all, issues of credibility should be a constant reminder in their dealings. A call for the IGP to arrest the regent and to demolish his palace should be backed by law. Can ADAM-GH tell us which law gives the police the power to demolish the palace of the regent? And is it not a fact that those inscriptions that seem to bring out the worst in the tribal bigotry and ethnocentric character of ADAM-GH, are facts, and actually the ancestral home of all the names of past Bawku Naba’s listed.
ADAM-GH should note that no amount of demolition or arrest can change what the truth is. In any case the powers that be, including your very goodself have found it wise to go and visit the regent in an attempt to foster peace and unity in Bawku and ADAM-GH is not the one to direct the police as to how to do their work.
In a very disrespectful and inciteful manner, ADAM GH makes a very dangerous and despicable allegation that has in the past sparked targeted violence against members of the security services. The organization alleged that the Ghana Police Service of which you the IGP is the boss, criminally connives with Mamprusis by escorting the Mamprusis to Togo and then back to Bawku. According to ADAM GH the police escort helps the Mamprusis to smuggle in logistics (ostensibly referring to weapons and ammunition). We believe this is a very dangerous and irresponsible allegation which requires the immediate action of the IGP. The Executive Secretary of ADAM GH and those who are signatories to the said petition should be invited for questioning and investigated to substantiate their claims. If they fail to prove their assertions they should be arrested and made to face the full rigours of the law.
This move by the IGP is very important because of a past experience in which similar irresponsible allegations by ADAM GH and Kusasi youth groups like the Kusasi Voice Association caused Kusasi youth at Sabon Gari, a suburb of Bawku, to attack and burn a vehicle used by military intelligence officers on suspicion that the security personnel were carrying weapons for the Mamprusis. It is only by a miracle that the security officers escaped the incident unhurt. Also, a young female police office was gunned down at Habitat, an area not far from Abugrago Aninchemas house by these same kusasi youth when she was on a visit to a colleague of hers in Bawku. It is therefore imperative for the security organizations to as a matter of urgency act on this issue and arrests these war mongers parading as a civil society organization to serve as a deterrent to other errant organizations/individuals. Furthermore, in the wake of recent terrorist threats and insecurity across the border in Burkina Faso, this irresponsible allegation by ADAM GH should not be treated lightly. Emmanuel Azubila of ADAM GH and his team should immediately be arrested for questioning and possible prosecution.
Sir, we humbly wish to reiterate to you and other relevant authorities copied in this correspondence to totally ignore the tribalistic and ethnocentric agenda spearheaded by discredited organizations like ADAM GH. We believe strongly and as was made evident above that ADAM GH is a criminal band whose activities is very detrimental to the peace and security of Bawku and its environs. It is therefore our fervent hope that you will cause the relevant authorities to with immediate effect arrest and prosecute officers of ADAM GH for their defamatory and inciteful comments that is aimed at destabilizing the peace and security of Bawku.
It is also our hope that their so called petition is not entertained by your high office. It should be jettisoned in the dustbin where it belongs and the devious authors of it brought to book.
Thank you very much in advance for your kind consideration.
Yours faithfully,
Awudu Seidu
Majeed Bagura
1. H. E. President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo
Secretary to The President
Nana Asante Bediatuo Esq
Jubilee House
2. The Minister of Interior
Hon. Ambrose Dery
Ministry of Interior
3. The Minister for Chieftaincy Affairs
Hon. Kojo Kum (MP)
Ministry for Chieftaincy Affairs