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NABCO beneficiaries better off even with 4 months arrears – Dennis Aboagye

A Former Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of Akuapem North, Dennis Miracles Aboagye, has said that it smacks of dishonesty and insincerity on the p

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A Former Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of Akuapem North, Dennis Miracles Aboagye, has said that it smacks of dishonesty and insincerity on the part of persons comparing current conditions in the local economy to what pertained in 2016 under the National Democratic Congress (NDC) administration and conclude that they they are worse off at the moment.

Specifically referring to the beneficiaries of the Nation Builders Corps (NABCO) initiative who are owed four months salary arrears, he indicated that these persons are even better off in spite of the government’s indebtedness to them because they know that at least, they are owed and will be paid.

That, he said, is better than someone who is unemployed and has no hope to generate income from any source.

Speaking on the New Day show with Johnnie Hughes on TV3 Tuesday January 18, he said “It is complete dishonesty, it is insincerity for anybody to even try to compare where we are now to where we found ourselves in 2016 and say that it was better than now.”

Are you saying we are better than now? Johnnie asked him.

In reply, he said “Yes, comparatively. Every single thing that affects a Ghanaian, me and the young person at home , we are better off. Including even the unemployed. Let me come to the famous NABCO, even the NABCO guy today who is owed by the government for four months is better off than he was in 2016 because in 2016, this morning, he was home sleeping and wondering who even owes him to go and chase the person after.

“Today, at least the NABCO beneficiary is on a certain list the government is owing four months. When I have someone owing me I am better off than being in soo much poverty that I haven’t have anything to do with some one for the person to owe me.”

In a subsequent post on his Facebook page, he said “Covid-19 has brought to bear genuine challenges accross the globe and Ghana was not spared, but we are bouncing back and setting ourselves back unto the path of growth. Let’s remain steadfast as we work together to fight off the effect of this global pandemic and return to the glorious years of 2018 and 2019.

“Yes, we have lots of challenges at the moment but comparatively to where we were 6years ago, we have made progress in a lot of areas and will surely overcome these temporary setbacks to check out all the other indicators.

“There’s a clear plan and strategy by Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia to get us out of each of the challenges we face today as a result of this unexpected pandemic but as we meandere through, we need to protect the gains we have made in the other critical areas which hitherto were part of our challenges .

“We have made progress in critical areas – We have have fixed energy crisis – We have constructed More Roads- we have built more Basic school buildings – we have constituted more SHS Infrastructure – We have completed more Health facilities – We have invested more into SMEs- we have employed more unemployed- We have introduced more Pro poor policies – we have revived the almost collapsed Social intervention programs All of these notwithstanding, there are still major challenges in the areas of prices of fuel and goods mainly due to the effect of the pandaemic on global business transactions but clearly, there’s a plan by the government to steer us off these challenges.

“Ghana is about to make that giant leap and we should not fall for the NDC who are no doubt masters of Propaganda and experts in economic destruction.Do not fall for the deception of those who sent us to the dark holes between 2009 – 2016, we have come too far at this point to be sent back into the dark days.”