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Africa will soon become a destination for job seekers in Europe and America – Mensa Otabil

General Overseer of the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC), Pastor Mensa Otabil has said the African continent will see a turnaround and b

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General Overseer of the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC), Pastor Mensa Otabil has said the African continent will see a turnaround and become a destination for job seekers from America and Europe.

Justifying his position on the shift in Africa’s fortunes, he said his positive outlook of the continent is not premised on physical entities but rather a deep belief of God’s just and fairness not to lift up one and neglect the other.

Speaking in a message titled, “we will get it back”, on the opening night of Greater Works Conference, Pastor Mensa Otabil re-affirmed his belief that Africa will be become the most significant continent on the planet.

Pastor Mensa Otabil encouraged the congregation not to limit God but rather be inspired by the example of the prophet Jeremiah as they seek to move the African continent from a state of hopelessness.

He anchored his sermon on Jeremiah chapter 32 and recalled how God showed Jeremiah the most impossible situation ever, where an external and an internal enemy had taken over Israel.

Pastor Mensa Otabil demonstrated how God restored the nation in the midst of captivity and impossibility. He likened the situation to some foreign powers who have impoverished Africa and taken her assets including locals who were taking advantage of a bad situation and making it worse.

The theologian opined, “Africa will get it back and it will be well with the continent, it will be well with our people!”

Pastor Otabil said up until now, he remains eternally convinced that the future of Africa is bright and the future of Ghana is great.

He prayed for a resurgence in Nigeria, South Africa, Zambia, Ivory Coast, Sudan, South Sudan, Mali and all African countries.

“America has had its chance, Europe has had its chance, and Asia has had its chance. It’s Africa’s chance too”, he said.

He was hopeful that the largest number of billionaires will soon come from Africa. He there urged worshipers to work harder and do bigger things because very soon, “Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Jack ma will read about you”.

Other speakers at this year’s Greater Works Conference are; Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo, the founder and Senior Pastor of Kingsway International Christian Centre in the United Kingdom and Bishop Tudor Bismark, senior Pastor of Jabula New Life Covenant Church Harare, Zimbabwe.