
Ahiati Lucky Benedict to contest for UEW SRC Presidency

Mr. Ahiati Lucky Benedict, General course Representative for political science Level 200 and P. R. O for the Diocesan catholic students union CASU

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Mr. Ahiati Lucky Benedict, General course Representative for political science Level 200 and P. R. O for the Diocesan catholic students union CASU has declared his intention to contest for the impending Students Representative Council (SRC) PRESIDENT of the university of education, Winneba election.

Ahiati Lucky Benedict popularly known in politics as THE PHILANTHROPIST made his intention to the students of the university of Education, Winneba. The Agenda to put UEW first has become his focal point of his road to the SRC.

Let all and sundry join hands together and make this clarion call a reality.

Together let strengthen the Student front of UEW.

File by:Sir Phylose (0543839775)