A report by Mighty Earth dubbed ‘Sweet Nothings' has revealed that the cocoa industry is still driving the destruction of protected areas and thre
A report by Mighty Earth dubbed ‘Sweet Nothings’ has revealed that the cocoa industry is still driving the destruction of protected areas and threatening the habitat of chimpanzees and elephants four years after industry pledge.
More than four years after the high-profile launch of the Cocoa and Forests Initiative (CFI), cocoa-producing nations continue to see huge areas of forests being destroyed to make room for cocoa production, according to a new data analysis by Mighty Earth.
Sweet Nothings: How the Chocolate Industry has Failed to Honour Promises to End Deforestation in Cocoa Supply Chains reveals that even after the industry published action plans in 2019. Côte d’ivoire lost 19.421 hectares – 74.9 sq. mi. – of forest within cocoa growing regions and Ghana lost 39,497 hectares -152.5 sg. mi.
This amounts to a combined area equivalent to the size of the cities of Madrid, Seoul, or Chicago.
“This report unwraps the unsavory side of the cocoa industry and shows the urgent need to break the link between chocolate products and deforestation, said Glenn Hurowitz, CEO of Mighty Earth, the global advocacy organization working to defend a living planet.
“Chocolate companies like Nestlé, Hershey’s, Mondelez, and Mars need to stop making empty promises and start working together with governments in the CFI to establish an open and effective joint deforestation monitoring mechanism this year.”
Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana are estimated to have lost 80% to 90% of their forested area over the last few decades, in large part to make way for cocoa farms.
Through combination of satellite data analysis and on-the-ground field investigations, Mighty Earth has uncovered evidence of ongoing tropical forest clearance for cocoa. This includes deforestation in designated protected areas that provide vital habitats for endangered wildlife such as chimpanzees and pygmy hippos. These forests are also critical carbon sinks, vital for slowing both the climate crisis and biodiversity loss.
Among the key findings of the report:
Four and half years after chocolate companies and governments committed in the CFI to a ban on establishing any new cocoa farms, overall levels of deforestation remain near record highs.
Within cocoa growing regions, Côte d’ivoire lost 19,421 hectares (ha) -74.9 sq. mi. – (2%) of its forest since the CFl action plans were published in January 2019, whilst Ghana has lost an astonishing 39,497 ha -152.5 sg. mi. -of forest with a staggeringly high rate of deforestation of 3.9%. This amounts to a combined area of tropical Forest lost in the two countries equivalent to the cities of Madrid, Seoul, or Chicago.
In Ghana, 2020 tree cover loss countrywide was 370% higher since January 2019 than it was between 2001-2010, and 150% higher than the average tree cover loss between 2011-2019.
Average countrywide tree cover loss in Côte d’ivoire has been 230% higher in the period since January 2019 than it was between 2001-2007, and 340% higher than the average loss during the 2000.
Deforestation is still found throughout protected areas in Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana, with satellite data and analysis and observation from Mighty Earth’s field investigation in Cote d’Ivoire revealing that cocoa expansion is playing a major role in this encroachment.
“All of this devastation is entirely preventable and should have been addressed long ago. Meanwhile, forests continue to disappear, endangered, species die, and communities suffer,” said Soulemane Fofana, General Coordinator of the Ivorian Human Rights organisations (RAIH). “The cocoa industry has the same tools and far more resources that Might Earth to track and prevent deforestation, but limited willpower and lack of transparency and accountability continue to be the biggest roadblocks to progress.”
Among the report’s recommendations:
Chocolate companies, cocoa traders, and government’s traders, and governments must pool information about cocoa supply chains, and couple this with satellite data imagery to establish an open and transparent deforestation monitoring mechanism in 2022. Such a mechanism would las to target initiatives aren’t joint collective action to prevent forest encroachment from cocoa expansion, as well as target initiatives aimed at improving livelihoods for smallholder farmers in Ghana and Côte d’ivoire.
The CFI should publicly report progress in reducing deforestation in Ghana and Côte d’ivoire with the aim of achieving zero new deforestation for cocoa within two years
Leading chocolate companies and cocoa traders should play an active role in the restoration of degraded forests and biodiversity in Ghana and Côte d’ivoire. They should commit to sourcing at least 50% of their cocoa from agroforestry by 2025, and work with cocoa cooperatives and government agencies to help smallholder growers manage the transition from cocoa monocultures to diversified farming systems.
The Government of Côte d’ivoire should work to quickly confirm the boundaries of protected areas and stop any new deforestation by involving, in a transparent manner, communities and civil society organizations in their monitoring.
In Ghana, the Government’s Forestry Commission, together with the Ghana Cocoa Board, need to ensure that the emerging Cocoa Management System (CMS), which is intended to trace the cocoa supply chain, is designed in a transparent manner, so that stakeholders will have trust and confidence in the data that it will produce.
Authorities in the European Union, Japan, and the United States should introduce legislation that companies to conduct thorough due diligence checks to prevent cocoa or cocoa-derived products linked to deforestation from being imported into their consumer markets.
“The cocoa and forests initiatives has lots of potential but currently is not living up to it. It promised so much but is failing to deliver. Cocoa and chocolate companies have a duty to protect the environment or risk losing the commodity they depend on forever because they current situation is unsustainable,” said Obed Owusu-Addai, managing campaigner at EcoCare Ghana.
Click HERE for Sweet Nothings Report:
About Mighty Earth:
Mighty Earth (www.mightyearth.org) is a global advocacy organisation working to defend a living planet. Our goal is to protect half of Earth to Nature and secure a climate that allows life to flourish.
We are obsessed with impact and aspire to be the most effective environmental advocacy organisation in the world. Our team has achieved transformative change by persuading leading industries to dramatically reduce deforestation and climate pollution throughout their global supply chains in palm oil, rubber, cocoa, and animal feed. while improving livelihoods for indigenous and local communities across the tropics.