Unconfirmed reports reaching Ahafonews.com indicate the District Chief Executive of Bibiani – Anwhiaso Hon Alfred Amoah has passed away following a
Unconfirmed reports reaching Ahafonews.com indicate the District Chief Executive of Bibiani – Anwhiaso Hon Alfred Amoah has passed away following a fatal accident on the Kumasi Accra Highway on Tuesday evening.
The DCE is reported to have died on the spot together with his driver around 6:45 pm on Tuesday when he was returning from Accra after a meeting.
The accident involved a tanker with registration number GN, – 8549, a trailer with registration number AS,4229-x and the DCE’s Nissan Patrol with the registration number GN 2060 -18.
Survivals who have sustained degrees of injuries have been sent to the Kibi Government hospital for treatment