The people of Tanoso in the Asunafo South District heaved a huge sigh of relief accompanied with estactic jubilation during the commissioning of a mo
The people of Tanoso in the Asunafo South District heaved a huge sigh of relief accompanied with estactic jubilation during the commissioning of a modern toilet facility in their community by the Assembly Member for Kukuom Abromamu-Beposo-Tanoso electoral area, *Hon. Ing. Kobby Amoa-Mensah*.
The three seater public toilet facility was built single handedly by the Assembly Member using this personal resources.
The facility has designated spaces for Adult Males, Adult Females and Children with ancillary spaces.
The Assembly Member speaking at the short but colourful ceremony, thanked the community for their unflinching support and cooperation.
He built the Public Facility at his own expense and urged the residents of Tanoso to take proper care of the facility. The facilty has been built using the Hydraform technology.
The Assembly member who is an Engineer of International repute stated ” Our Local Government Authorities should have a look at how best Hydraform can be utilised in the construction of public toilets. This is an innovative way of training our unemployed youth as well as using local materials.”
This project was built by the Assembly member in fulfilment of his promise to his electorate.
Hon. Kobby further stressed that his desire had always been to be able to improve the lives of his electoral area and the District at large and he is happy that he has been able to give back to the community in order to solve challenges in our community.
He continued to pledge his readiness to support the advancement of the community and also help contribute to improve the living conditions of the people in the constituency.
The Queen Mother of Tanoso, cut the sod for the project and took custody of project on behalf of the community and expressed the utmost gratitude of the community towards Hon Kobby Amoa-Mensah. She also called on other leaders to emulate the unceasing philanthropic acts of the charismatic Assembly member.
The queenmother used the occasion to appeal to leaders of Ahafo to desist from giving fake promises and learn to keep to their word like Hon. Kobby Amoa-Mensah did.